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Finding Time for What You Love

Writer's picture: ThomaslivaThomasliva

In the whirlwind of modern life, it often feels like there’s never enough time. Between work, family, and the never-ending list of responsibilities, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to take time for ourselves. Yet, those small pockets of time spent doing what we love—whether it’s a creative passion, a hobby, or simply a moment of peace—are crucial for our well-being. They bring us joy, recharge our spirits, and remind us of what truly matters. But in a world filled with distractions and constant demands, how do we find that time? And more importantly, how do we make the most of it?

In this post, we’ll explore why carving out time for the things you love is not just important, but essential—and how to reclaim those moments in the midst of life’s busy pace.

Take a trip outdoors, its where the magic happends

Why It’s Important to Carve Out Time for What You Love

The things you love aren’t just hobbies—they’re an essential part of who you are. Whether it’s photography, painting, hiking, or simply reading a book, these activities recharge your spirit. They remind you of your passions, your creativity, and the joy that can still be found amidst the daily grind.

Without them, life can feel like a monotonous loop of obligations. But when you set aside time, even just five or ten minutes a day, you reconnect with what makes you feel alive. It’s not about finding hours; it’s about making the most of the moments you have.

Don’t Waste Time on What Doesn’t Matter

Too often, we fill our free time with distractions that don’t nourish us. These days doom scrolling through social media, getting lost in endless streams of content, or checking emails that don’t need our attention is ever more present in over every day life, and I am no better at not getting caught in this spiral. These habits drain us more than we realize. They offer instant gratification but no lasting fulfillment. It´s easy to get caught in it, breaking out is harder.

Instead, lets us imagine what else you could do with those precious minutes if you dedicated them to what truly matters to you. What if, instead of losing an hour on your phone, you spent that time doing something you love? The impact on your well-being would be profound. I know this, you know this. But how do we actually do it? Some tips coming up.

Sunsets are best enjoyed outside, lets go

How to Find Time in a Busy Life

  1. Prioritize It

    Time for yourself is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. When you make it a priority, you’ll start to find opportunities throughout your day, even if it’s just 10 minutes. Invest in yourself and claim this time for you!

  2. Start Small

    You don’t need to do a complete 180 on your schedule. Start with just five minutes. Use that time wisely, focusing solely on what makes you happy. Over time, you’ll build a habit that feels natural and necessary. Small bits will stack up over time, and will accumulated in many hours spent down the line in what you truly care about.

  3. Eliminate Distractions

    Be mindful of where your time is going. Do you really need to check your phone first thing in the morning, or can you use that quiet time for something that feeds your soul? Every distraction is an opportunity to reclaim a moment for yourself.

  4. Be Present

    When you do have time for your passion, be fully present. Don’t think about the next task on your list or feel guilty for taking time for yourself. Instead, immerse yourself in the activity and let it bring you peace and fulfillment.

Make Time, Don’t Wait for It

Life’s demands aren’t going anywhere, but your joy and well-being shouldn’t be the cost. Find those small moments in your day and make them count. In doing so, you’ll be better equipped to handle everything else life throws your way — with more energy, creativity, and a sense of balance.

So today, instead of doom scrolling or telling yourself you’ll get to it later, pause. Grab your camera, pick up your favorite book, take a walk outside — do whatever it is that makes you feel alive. The demands of life can wait for a few minutes. Your passions and well-being can’t.

Take care,


Nature, the best place to be one with yourself.


1 Comment

Новини у нашому житті відіграють дуже важливу роль, і з цим твердженням складно не погодитися, бо саме завдяки новинам ми дізнаємося про всі важливі події. З урахуванням цього потрібно мати якісний новинний портал, котрий буде надавати тільки перевірені та актуальні новини. Вже доволі давно я використовую, цей інформаційний портал дозволяє мені перебувати в курсі всіх важливих подій, як моєї країни, так і світу. Ось нещодавно, я прочитав дуже крутий та інформативний матеріал про те, як банкам вдається отримувати найбільші доходи в умовах війни, і ця стаття дозволила мені збагнути доволі важливу річь у контексті нашого сьогодення, котра стосується доходу банків, та і загалом усього фінансового сектору держави. Саме тому, я використовую дело.юа, бо тільки він здатен публікувати такі…

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